Friends, when we watch videos on youtube, many times we get an error which is something like this. "This video is unavailable with restricted mode enabled. To view this video you will need to disable restricted mode" in this article we will try to know what is this error? Why does it come? And how can we correct this error.

How to Disable Restricted Mode in Youtube?

What is youtube restricted mode enabled error?

Friends, youtube is a very big platform where we get thousands, millions of videos on small topics, millions of videos are uploaded on youtube every day.

These crores videos also contain some adult, sexual, potencial videos which are not worth watching for children. Therefore, there is a setting in youtube's mobile application called restricted mode to turn off such videos. After enabling this setting, such videos do not appear on youtube in that mobile.

Why restricted mode enabled error occurs.

When this setting is enabled in our mobile youtube application and we turn on any adult, sexual or potential video on youtube, the video does not play and we get this error.

How to disable restricted mode in youtube?

Number 1. To do this, first open the youtube application.

Number 2. Click on the profile icon in the right corner above.

Number 3. Select settings.

Number 4. Then click on general option.

Number 5. Then such a page will open in front of your.

How to Disable Restricted Mode in Youtube?

Turn off this restricted mode here.

Just now you have restricted mode disabled in youtube on your mobile, now when watching videos on youtube, you will never get the error "This video is unavailable with restricted mode enabled. To view this video you will need to disable restricted mode" .

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