Friends, if you are a youtuber or if you have a good knowledge of youtube. So you must have shown many times that any video on youtube is commented on by big youtubers like BB Ki Vines, Amit Badhana, Harsh Beniwal, Technician Guruji, Trendy Tick or any other big youtuber's channel. Which gets a lot of likes.

But most of those accounts are fake. Despite YouTube having a lot of knowledge, we cannot find out about that channel whether the channel is real or fake. Because when we open and watch that channel, then all the videos of the original channel are also present on that fake channel and there are millions of views on them. Seeing those who have a good knowledge of youtube, they also feel that this is a real account.

How to find Fake Youtube channel?

How is a Fake Youtube channel made to look real?

Friends, some people are so clever that by applying some tricks, they make their fake channel look like a real channel so that it can get maximum subscribers. What tricks do these people employ? Or how to make fake channel that looks real on youtube? I will tell you about it in the next post. In this post, I will only tell you how to find out the fake youtube channel.

Here I am telling you some points. If you take care of them, then you can find out very easily whether a channel on youtube is fake or real.

How to find Fake Account on youtube?

Number 1. See friends, as many famous and popular channels on youtube, if a youtube video is commented on from their account, then there is a right mark in front of that comment, which is the proof of its realization. See in the photo below.

So if you see a comment from a big youtube channel on a YouTube video and it does not have the right / verified symbol with it, then you understand that it is a fake account.

Number 2. Any channel you want to know about. Go to that channel and go to its About section and check. How many views have you received on all the videos of that channel till date? It can be seen. If you get the views of that channel in crores, then understand that it is a real channel. And if you see very few views in the About section, then understand that it is a fake account.

Number 3. You can also know whether the channel is fake or real by looking at the Story tab in that channel. Because Story Tab does not get such fake and small YouTube channels. So if that channel does not have a Story tab, then you understand that it is a fake channel.

So I think the channel on YouTube is fake or real? These 3 points are enough to detect it. If you check a channel with these points in mind, then you will easily know whether that youtube channel is real or fake.

So friends, hope this information is helpful for you. If you like this information, then definitely share it with your friends too so that they can also find the real and fake channel on youtube.

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